Sunday, 15 September 2013

September Issue - officially on stands now

Making the best of JOB HUNT MODE
So here WE go blog post number 1! I would like to start by introducing myself, I am a recent University graduate, which inadvertently means the next few years  the word budget is ever present in my vocabulary. I am a self-described pop culture expert with an appreciation boy-bands, spontaneous dance breaks  and fairy-tale endings.  A few years ago I decided to go back to school in hopes of fulfilling whatever it was that I felt was missing the first time around (direction, determination, passion, etc.). I originally  began my post-secondary education pursing Social Work with dreams of changing peoples lives, however I lost interest quickly once I realized that most some people prefer to dwell on their misfortunes and wallow in self-pity.

I've heard/read that "INSANITY is the act of doing the same thing over and over but expecting the result to be different." 
I have spent time working as a crisis line counselor AND I happen to know a lot of single women - you'd be surprised how many insane people exist! 

When my idealistic dreams about saving the world turned into bitter pessimism I went ahead and took the advice of one of my besties and I enrolled in University. To say I am glad to add a University degree to my small list of achievements is an understatement. Now graduated, I glance above my desk and look at my University Honors Bachelors Degree beside my College Diploma (w/ Scholars btw), beside my College Certificate and think ... NOW WHAT? 

How long is too long before you begin thinking about other career goals after you graduate University? How many days/hours do you spend sending emails, resume & cover letter attachments to potential jobs opportunities? How many politely worded rejections and words of wisdom from everyone you know is too many before you have a breakthrough...or just devastating break down?
While I figure that out I will be doing one of the many things I love... talking/chatting/ gossiping/ debriefing/ whatever you want to call it! On here it translates into writing/blogging/posting but that's ok because I love writing and telling stories that evoke emotion of any kind. At the end of the day I am just a single girl living in the city just trying to understand my own life and the lives of those around me. Whether I'm attending one of our infamous Girls Night Hump Day Dinners (I'll discuss this at a later date), or indulging in brunch at one of the many breakfast hot spots with my roommates, or luxuriating on the weekend on my bed debriefing about the weeks events on the phone with my besties (or even at times one of my brothers-yes boys like a good gossip session too...sometimes) for hours (I think 3hrs has been clocked as our longest convo - just saying),  I find myself dissecting and analyzing every aspect of my life on a semi-regular basis with everyone having the ability to chime in. It's interesting how opinions can change by the simple opinion of another. And this is the exact reason I chose to blog (well that and because everyone else is doing it!). Why not have a forum where everyone gets a say?
I have always believed that the best conversations are the ones where it changes your way of thinking, seeing and understanding a particular situation or the world as a whole.
So join the conversation because I'll be talking regardless, its just more fun when everyone joins in!

This is how I picture my conversations

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